Been a rough week for some reason (period time?). I am hanging in there though. I read a really great motto from an online friend this week "If you feel like you are at the end of your rope....tie a knot", it was really fitting.
I really want to thank the online community of women for getting me through this week. Some are posting the Men's Forum site on there blogs and websites to help me promote it and get more men to join, and I sooo appreciate it (Rachel, Emma, Lauren, Angie, Cara and more! Giving props!).
Out of the blue, I also received a beautiful picture from
Lea, who is doing such good things for us babylost moms. Have a look:

Another woman I met online recently who is a photographer, Angie, has joined Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep as an assistant photographer, which offers free photography to parents in the hospital of their precious angels. She is an inspiration to turn her grief into doing such a special thing for others.
I would have never known about this beautiful community of women. You never really want to be a part of it...but I am glad I am, and that we are all not so alone in our journeys. Even though we have never met in person or have never even talked on the phone, I feel as though we have known each other for years. It's really comforting. Thank you everyone.
Hugs to all. Nan xo