Here is the first award...
I am honored to accept the Beautiful Blogger Award from Deni @
Making Our Troxclair Family, and also from Shandrea @
Loving My Angels, from Kristin @
My Family of Three, and from Mary @
Our Angel Amiee. Thank you so much ladies, I am honored by each and every one of you, and I feel so incredibly humbled that so many find my blog creation for my babies as beautiful :-) xxxooo
Here are the rules for the award:
~Thank the person who nominated you and link to their blog.
~Copy the award and paste it to your blog.
~Tell us 7 interesting facts about yourself.
~Nominate 7 bloggers that you love and link to their blog.
So, 7 ‘interesting’ (I hope) facts about me...
1 ~ I grew up as a total tomboy with my best friend Aimee. We spent most of our childhood time walking around in the woods without shoes and looking for worms in the dirt, salamanders under rocks and crayfish in the creek. We even made a fishing pole with a stick, string and a paperclip shaped like a hook, and caught blue gills with it, believe it or not. I still like to go camping and fishing and do stuff that the boys like to do!
2 ~ I am a terrible dancer, but I like to try, especially after a glass of wine…or two.
3 ~ I had six toes on my left foot when I was born, it was an extra big toe and my parents had it removed when I was 8 months old.
4 ~ Mike and I met online in 2000, twas love at first sight J
5 ~ I have two dogs, three cats and three geckos, I’ve always been surrounded by animals my entire life.
6 ~ I can look at any room in my house and have some sort of reminder of my baby girls in Heaven (I place things that way). It assures me that I will never stop thinking about them and I love to add anything I find with three butterflies on it to the mix. Sometimes that includes a lot of impulse purchasing!
7 ~ I love to do laundry, my water bill shows it too…I need one of those energy efficient washers and dryers that hold 50 pairs of jeans J
And now 7 bloggers to be nominated (sorry if you have already!):
Jennifer @
The Blue Sparrow
Nicolle @
One who flys above and one who flutters withinAndrea @
Julia, Our Christmas AngelRachel @
Three Butterflies and a MonkeyKaty @
In Hannah’s Honor
Christy @
Almost a Mother
Nichole @
Our Journey for Another Blessing
Please visit each of their blogs and share some love!!
A the Second Award.... 
I am also honored to accept the Making Lemonade out of Lemons Award from Shandrea @
Loving My Angels. Thank you so much dear friend, you navigate this process with grace and a ray of sunshine and I am grateful for you.
Here are the award rules:
- Put the Lemonade logo on your blog or within your post.
- Nominate at least 10 blogs with great attitude or gratitude.
- Link the nominees within your post.
- Let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
- Share the love and link to the person from whom you received this award.
So, here's who I'd like to share this award with...
EVERYONE who reads this…as I feel we have all had to make the best of our horrible situations and are just trying to survive everyday without our babies. Feel free to take this award and post it on your blog :) (((HUGS)))
Now on to my other stuff :) ...Michelle @
Missing Juanito dyed Easter Eggs for lots of our babies in Heaven. So sweet! Thank you so much for thinking of my precious girls :)

To my beautiful baby girls, this is from your Mom-Mom for Easter, she loves you so much:

(Butterflies Love My Garden)
And if you want to stare more at the tree – feel free – I know I do!! It feels and smells as pretty as it looks...I love it so much that I've taken almost a hundred pictures of it so far this Spring!

Love, Nan xxxooo