Warning...living child mentioned, and in picture link as well....
Here is the link to the pictures we took over the weekend and on their birthday. CLICK HERE if you wish to see.
What was different this year than years prior, is that I was 'fine', until their actual Birthday day came, and I was a crying mess most of the day. I felt like I was re-living the hours again, and I remember EVERYTHING like it was yesterday, almost minute for minute. I don't have to write down a thing, not even a minor detail ever seems to fade away. Years prior, it was all of those days leading up that were hard and then the actual day was peaceful. Complete opposite! This road never seems to take the same path, so I figure I would write it down to remember that when I ask myself 'WTF' next year! I wonder what Autumn will say when she is old enough to understand that I'm crying, I hope I can keep it together for her and keep making more beautiful peaceful memories each year for her big sisters. Anyway, just wanted to share. Thank you for all of your thoughts, prayers, love and support...always, I will always remember how everyone helps lift me up, and I can only hope I do the same for you all.
Love, Nan xxxooo
Happy 15th Birthday Janessa!
5 days ago