My poor sister has pneumonia, she had to get checked out at the hospital today. She has a busy house to run with her hubby and three great kids 13, 10 and 1. All I could think to do was to try and do half of what she had done for me during my recovery after we lost our children, but it doesn't seem like enough just to watch the kids or finish her laundry. I am just glad I have these last couple days off before I return to work on Friday if she needs me. I am so grateful for her and wish I could do more.
It feels like our family continually gets battered, but we somehow pull through, but Im getting so so tired. Maybe its a post-partum depression thing, I now have no pregnancy hormone in my system anymore and a period from hell. It just hurts. All of it. Sorry this post is turning out to be sad and all about me, not much of a tribute to my angels, but I guess this is the part of still feeling lost without them, and I needed to get this out of my head somehow.
On a lighter note, I was watering the tree and garden tonight and everything is flourishing. I want to add more to it so bad....the plants I have ordered cannot get here soon enough!
Happy 15th Birthday Janessa!
1 week ago
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