Our computer had a virus, so we have been offline for some time. I am now trying to catch up on the many wonderful blogs I follow, and it's taking a good bit of time. I have to admit though, having the break was kind of good for me, as we had some time to re-charge the ol' batteries and do some other things that were being put off. Such as applying the decals on my car that Mike got me for Xmas! We had a semi-warm day (50 and sunny) and decided it was a good day to do it...do you like?!
I also got to hang some ceramic tiles I found while out shopping one day...which pretty much sums up the way I want things to be for my baby girls in the heavenly clouds. God I miss them so much, it still tugs at my heart everyday, and I imagine that is the way it will always be. Anyway, I hung these in our bedroom and when I am sitting upright in my bed they are on the wall right in front of me. Sort of like when I go to sleep and when I wake in the morning, they are the last/first thing I see.
It feels like their 1st Birthday is coming up so quickly. Mike and I are trying to plan for some things to do, probably just between the two of us. I know it will be special, and that I will be trying my best to smile as I know they are smiling down at me. I also know it's important for me to start doing things the minute I start feeling any anxiety about it, as I've posted before.
That's all for now, going to go catch up on reading blogs! Love, Nan xo